• Female Pekin Duck
  • Hatched Apr 8th 2017
  • Weight: 8 lbs
  • Loves water and playing in mud
  • Doesn’t like head pets, but loves to be pet on the back!
  • Likes to boss the chickens
  • Lays huge eggs
  • Hates dogs

Emma is our oldest duck. She survived a terrible respiratory disease and a fox attack to be our oldest bird. While she’s a lot slower than the other ducks, she still gets around and makes her opinions known. That’s right. She is VERY chatty and spends most of the day playing in mud and quacking to tell everyone about it. Emma loves digging in leaves to look for bugs. Yup. Her favorite food is bugs and meal-worms. She also likes to eat corn, strawberries and sweet feed.

While playing in the mud is quite messy, Emma actually likes to be clean. If you give her a fresh pool of clean water, she will bathe herself and even comb her feathers. No shampoo needed!

Emma also lays big beautiful eggs. Unfortunately she doesn’t care about them at all, and doesn’t always lay them in the coop. Half the time she lays them right next to the pond out in the open. Contrary to popular belief, duck eggs to not have a chick in them. They only grow a chick if the mother “goes broody” and sits on the eggs to keep them a certain temperature. It takes 28 days for a duck eggs to grow from a normal eggs into a duckling that is ready to hatch. Unless the momma duck stays with the egg, it’s just a normal egg like the ones you buy at the store.