Goliath moved here with David. They were best buddies and grew up with the Arch Acres Misfit team. They were very happy there, and have been very happy here.
Goliath loves to play with David. One of their favorite things to do is to carry their rubber feed tub around and act like they are starving even though they have free choice hay. Goliath has very sensitive eyes. During the summer time, he wears a fly mask. This is a mesh that shields his face from bugs and provides some protection from the sunlight. When the mask stays on, he does very well…but he doesn’t always agree. Sometimes David will help him take it off, and we’ll find it out in the middle of their pen stomped into the mud. Goliath really HATES eye medicine, so we try really hard to convince him to leave the fly mask on.
Goliath loves people and loves to follow Emma around while she’s cleaning stalls. He likes to knock over her tools just so that she will pause and pay attention to him! For as cute and social as he is…he really hates his spring shots. He likes to make things as difficult for the vet as possible.
Goliath is a standard donkey, so he’s bigger than Sweet Pea and David. He is so laid back though that the kids still love being around him. He’s a perfect choice for a petting zoo event 🙂