Greyson is on lease from Morgan. She has owned him and taken care of him after a career-ending injury. When he retired from roping, he came to live with Morgan and helped her teach children’s riding lessons for many years in WI. Now that he is older, he just does pony rides now. He’s living the good life here. Because of the scarring from his injury, he has a funny mark on his front leg, and one knee is bigger than the other. He also walks a little funny, but is on a high Glucosamine supplement to help his joints to stay limber.
Greyson has settled into his new job quite nicely. He really loves the children and bringing joy to them. The other thing that he really loves is peppermint candy! He can be a little hard to convince to come in from the field at night, but a little peppermint goes a long way with him!
Greyson is good with most environments, but there are a few things that he doesn’t like. He gets worried about kites being flown overhead, and he doesn’t like hearing crowds of people clapping. Otherwise he’s a pretty happy dude.
Greyson is the biggest horse that we use for pony rides on a regular basis. We do occasionally allow adult to ride if they don’t exceed his weight limit. We are pretty strict about keeping riders under 200 even though he is a big horse. Due to his age, we believe that he needs to have a semi-retired lifestyle.